Covid-19 Impact on Independent Consulting Market
Dear IMCA Members, In my role as Chair of ICMCI Academic Fellows, I'm leading the production of the new ICMCI book on Consultancy Skills. This is an exciting new project for the ICMCI. The book [...]
“Leading Through The Crisis”
Dear IMCA Members Extending hereby warm greetings on behalf of your US Colleagues! Looking forward to further strengthening our collaborative ties, following my reappointment as IMC USA Delegate. We cordially invite all IMCA members to [...]
ICMCI Request for Volunteers – Assessors to the QAC
Dear IMCA /CMC Members, This letter serves as my introduction as ICMCI’s new Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) and a call for your help in improving our global quality assurance procedures. I wish [...]
PMI Event 1st July 2020 – INVITATION
Webinar Title: Covid-19 is eating strategy for breakfast: Act or Wait. July 1st 12:00pm to 01:00pm The Ireland Chapter of PMI invites IMCA to join us for this webinar presented by Norma Lynch, Head of [...]