
1303, 2016

Handover of office 2016

March 13th, 2016|

Kim McClenaghan the outgoing President of IMCA hands over the chain of office to the incoming President Martin Markey at the social event held at Sandymount Hotel on Wednesday 14th December 2016.  The formal handover took [...]

1612, 2015

Handover of office

December 16th, 2015|

Jim Fitzsimons the outgoing President of IMCA hands over the chain of office to the incoming President Kim McClenaghan of PwC at the social event held at Sandymount Hotel on Wednesday 16th December 2015.  The formal [...]

411, 2015

Enterprise Ireland member briefing

November 4th, 2015|

The Enterprise Ireland briefing for IMCA members at their East Point HO on November 4th provided a unique opportunity to hear about Enterprise Ireland's development plans and to share views on how consultants can support [...]

105, 2015

Client Survey

May 1st, 2015|

IMCA supported a Client Survey by Smurfit Business School M. Sc. in Management Consultancy students under the direction of Kathy O’Reilly who is Programme Leader and also one of 25 Academic Fellows appointed by the [...]