
18 10, 2021

Shannon Chamber Seeks Management Consultants

2021-10-18T17:04:29+00:00October 18th, 2021|

  Shannon Chamber’s is seeking tender submissions for the compilation of a five-year Strategic Plan for the period 2022-2027. As the attached highlights (see point No.4 for general summary of requirements), they are seeking to engage a contractor who will: Carry out a high-quality and comprehensive review and analysis of the Chamber’s current mandate, programmes [...]

1 10, 2021


2021-10-01T14:09:34+00:00October 1st, 2021|

Press Release   International Recognition for Dr. Eleanor O’Higgins in Cooperation with The IMCA in IRELAND   Dr. Eleanor O’Higgins has been initiated as an Academic Fellow of the International Council of Management Institutes. This award is made in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the management consulting profession. Dr. O’Higgins is successful in combining [...]

28 09, 2021


2021-09-28T19:01:50+00:00September 28th, 2021|

We’re delighted to be partnering again with Google Digital Garage to provide our members and their guests with a free live webinar training.  So if you are interested in brushing up on your digital skills or growing your  online presence ? Join us for a Masterclass with Google Digital Garage Details: When: Thursday 30th at 10:30am What’s [...]

7 09, 2021


2021-09-07T22:23:47+00:00September 7th, 2021|

  The Institute is delighted to inform you that our Irish nominee project for the Constantinus International Award is through to the finals, CONGRATULATIONS TO THE TEAM AT XCENTUATE ! Selected from a highly competitive international field of submissions from as far afield as Austria, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, Mongolia, Russia, and Singapore Xcentuate (Ireland) is [...]

3 08, 2021

IMCA – NUIG Call for Subject matter experts

2021-08-03T14:24:44+00:00August 3rd, 2021|

  CALL TO ARMS Our colleagues in NUI Galway are currently preparing their Management Consulting module for their Autumn 2021 Intake of MBA students. To that end they are looking to add value to the module by inviting subject matter experts in to give guest talks in a number of areas and would like to [...]

28 07, 2021

CMC Emeritus

2021-07-28T12:25:22+00:00July 28th, 2021|

CMC UPDATE  The CMC accreditation body ICMCI allows the Board of the IMCA to award CMCs who have finished their professional activity (by retirement or reorientation) the title "CMC emeritus" if the following conditions are met: The CMC actively applies for this status, the award is not automatic but by individual decision of the certification [...]

28 07, 2021

Covid 19 Vaccinations FAQ Update

2021-07-28T12:14:18+00:00July 28th, 2021|

Covid-19 Vaccination FAQs Q Can we make it mandatory for our employees to be vaccinated?  The current legal position in Ireland is such that there are constitutional and other legal barriers that would make it extremely difficult for an employer to implement a mandatory vaccination programme for COVID-19. The Irish constitution provides for a right to bodily [...]

28 07, 2021

Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (SBASC)

2021-07-28T11:54:12+00:00July 28th, 2021|

Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (SBASC) Don't forget that the expanded Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID is also open for applications, make sure to apply before the 29 July closing date The expanded Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID is open for applications through your Local Authority. The closing date is 29 July 2021. [...]