If you are a practising consultant you can join the Institute as an individual member by completing an online Application Form or if your practice is an Accredited Consulting Practice you can join as a member of that practice.
If you lead a consulting practice, you can join as an individual member and / or your practice can become an Accredited or Registered Practice.
Clients or other interested parties can validate here whether individual consultants or practices are members of IMCA, and their accreditation or practice type respectively.
Consulting Guide
The Consulting Guide documents the key aspects of running a consultancy practice from start-up to ongoing marketing, assignment management and collaboration. It comprises a mix of guidelines, templates and links to external resources.
Consultants Network
The Consultants Network provides a platform for members to share knowledge, understanding and support, while offering clients access to a proven professional consultancy network with in-depth experience across all sectors.
The E-Library repository of 'best practice' documents aims to showcase members' expertise and demonstrate the professionalism of the Institute and its members.
Martin Markey
Martin Markey President of IMCA is MD of Competitive Insights an IMCA Registered Consulting Practice specialising in market research; and stakeholder, consumer, customer and competitor insight projects to address market challenges and improve performance.
Marrita Kavanagh
Marrita Kavanagh is Director of Pinnacle Project Partners, an IMCA Accredited Consulting Practice offering pragmatic advice and results-driven programme management to top financial services companies. Helps executives select, shape and manage the initiatives that will ensure their businesses survive and grow.
Frank Hannigan
Frank Hannigan is Partner with StrategyCrowd, focused on creating shareholder value by driving growth. Working for ambitious management teams and investors, provides corporate solutions built on expertise in mapping and delivering growth strategies, and commercial due diligence for transactions / corporate finance.
Alan Costello
Alan Costello is Owner of Ruby Consulting, an IMCA Registered Consulting Practice in strategy and Innovation management consultancy, focused on profitable top line growth, with venture capital backed high-growth start-ups, scaling / exporting SMEs and MNCs. Also works closely with enterprise agencies, universities and the Horizon programme.

The global Certified Management Consultant accreditation and membership of IMCA as the professional body in Ireland for management consultants are both very important aspects of Voltedge’s recognition in the marketplace as a professional consultancy practice.
Joint Managing Director - Voltedge

In operating as an individual management consultant it's essential to have some professional standing which membership of IMCA provides as well as opportunities for Continuing Professional Development.
Director - Planware

Being a member of your professional institute is extremely important in providing an endorsement of your professional standards as well as opportunities for fellowship and exchange of ideas with members who encounter the same problems and may have similar ideas.

As a larger practice, we deem it valuable that our junior consultants are accredited as full Members of IMCA once they progress to consultant grade – this is important both for them and for us.
Director - PwC

We avail of IMCA’s professional indemnity insurance scheme which all practices today are challenged with and the scheme provides particularly good value.
Joint Managing Director - Voltedge

Since IMCA represents the management consultancy profession in Ireland it’s important that the larger practices are involved and the Board thus has a blend of larger and smaller practices.
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