Some of our IMCA members who are travelling currently on assignment  have been enquiring as to any update on the COVID 19 situation.

For accurate and up to date information the Institute would refer members to the HSE – Health Protection Surveillance Centre* (HPSC) website

We would also recommend the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website for travel advice please visit:

The HPSC Advise Best Practice in this issue as follows:

The coronavirus is a flu-like virus and the best way to prevent its spread it to observe good hand and respiratory hygiene habits.
• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. You can use an alcohol-based hand rub if your hands are not visibly dirty.
• Practice good respiratory hygiene – when coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose. Sneeze or cough into a tissue or your elbow. Discard the tissue immediately and then wash your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.

*The Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC), which is Ireland’s specialist agency for the investigation and management of communicable diseases, are the experts in this area and follows guidance from the World Health Organization and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. The  HPSC  which is part of the Health Service Executive (HSE), sets the public health guidelines on how to deal with contagious diseases.