

About kavanj23

James Kavanagh is Managing Director, Trustee Decisions Limited which provides impartial, independent and professional trustee services to employers and trustee boards. James has over twenty years in advising individuals, corporates and semi-state/state organisations on all aspects of pensions and investments.James's experience covers a vast range of industrries including agriculture, construction, energy, financial,HR, IT,manufacturing, medical, pharmaceutical and tourism. Being a trustee of a pension scheme is a significant responsibility, which requires expertise and industry wide experience. Trustees are often faced with challenging decisions as they attempt to balance the interests of sponsoring employers and beneficiaries while running their scheme in an ever-changing legislative environment. These trustees are responsible for ensuring that their scheme is adequately funded and for investing vast sums of money. Therefore, it is vital that they are cognisant of regulatory requirements and investment markets while understanding how to balance risk with expected returns. Trustees need to mandate their advisors with clear unambigious objectives and ensure they operate unhindered by any conflict of interest.