Member Affinity Scheme

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27 07, 2021

Condolences – Peter Thomas RIP

2021-07-27T12:36:44+00:00July 27th, 2021|

It is with great sorrow that we received the sad news. On behalf of the Irish board of the Institute and its members we extend our condolences to Peters family, friends and colleagues. We share in the thoughts and condolences expressed our International President Dwight as follows Peter’s international family is in mourning, though we [...]

27 06, 2021

IMCA Celebrates the U.N.’s Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprise Day

2021-06-27T15:51:07+00:00June 27th, 2021|

MSME Day   In partnership with the World Trade Organization and the United Nations, The Institute is celebrating Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprise (MSME) Day by reflecting on the inspiring and innovative ways that small businesses around the world have adapted to unforeseen circumstances and continue to play a crucial role in improving people’s lives. [...]

25 06, 2021


2021-06-25T15:38:59+00:00June 25th, 2021|

Wednesday July 7th @ 14:00 UTC - Registration: HERE The online invitation is available at  

13 06, 2021


2021-06-13T10:57:46+00:00June 13th, 2021|

The Institute is delighted to announce its partnership with Google Digital Garages for a series of learning modules. Launching on the 18th June 2021 at 10:30am and with a further rollout from September 2021 this exciting development is one which the members are very excited about as the opportunity to learn from the cutting edge at [...]