
21 03, 2018

Smurfit School Management Consulting Students Available for Internships

2018-04-04T16:49:48+00:00March 21st, 2018|

Smurfit School Management Consulting Students Available for Internships Students on the MSc in Management Consulting programme at the Smurfit School of Business are looking for internship opportunities for the summer semester (June - August 2018). The Smurfit School held an 'Internship Meet & Greet Event' on Tuesday March 27th  for organisations interested in offering an internship.  [...]

19 02, 2016

Member Survey

2017-01-27T17:30:11+00:00February 19th, 2016|

IMCA conducted a survey among members during November and December 2015 on ‘What IMCA membership means for them’.  The survey responses were analysed, the findings discussed by the IMCA Board and actions set out to address the issues raised. A summary of the survey findings is attached. Please feel free to send any comments or [...]