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04March, 2020

IMCA Webinar: The Recipe for Top Organizational Performance

Start time14:00
End time15:00
VenueIMCA Webinar
SpeakerDwight Mihalcz

IMCA- CMC Webinar: The Recipe for Top Organizational Performance

Everyone at some time in their consulting career will encounter an organizational issue that threatens the success of their effort, and perhaps inadvertently, their reputation. In other words, your client may blame you for their own inability to implement your recommendations.

For example, most organization have a strategic plan. But 70% fail to achieve their strategic goals, and only 5% of organization achieve their strategic objectives. This same failure rates apply for major organizational change initiatives.

This indicates a fundamental underlying cause at the root of the organization’s inability to implement change.

So what sets top performing organizations aside from the others?

If managers all want to do well, why aren’t all organizations performing at their best?

Join us next Wednesday, March 04th at 14:00 UTC

Webinar link below:


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