The IMCA Development Plan represents the work of a Planning Subgroup of the Board set up in February 2012 to draft a medium term plan for the Institute.

In developing the plan, the Subgroup took account of numerous planning documents and reports compiled by Board members and Working Groups.   A vision for the Institute together with key strategies, goals and implementation steps are outlined in the summaryattached – the detailed Appendices are available upon request.

The Board is finalising a detailed Action Plan setting out the key tasks with responsibilities and timescales under the action headings:

  1. Develop extensive Events Programme targeted to attract new and retain existing members
  2. Implement Membership Development Drive
  3. Promote accreditation & membership benefits through proactive PR / Advocacy programme
  4. Implement online and offline Communications Strategy to support key messages
  5. Maintain and develop Professional Standards
  6. Secure ongoing finances of IMCA
  7. Improve effectiveness of Board and Working Groups

IMCA welcomes involvement of members in the various areas and please contact us if you would like to contribute.