There are many ways of developing budgets for your projects. You can create budgets in accounting and project management software, or manually using spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel.
A sample confidentiality agreement is available here.
A sample letter of engagement, or contract, can be accessed here.
Purpose | To reach an agreement between the consultant and client on the services to be provided. |
Input | Include perceived needs, expectations and desire of the client, potential constraints and risks, and any significant changes beyond the scope of the change control process. |
Outcome | A legally binding agreement between the practice and the client specifying the services and the deliverables, and establishing the rights and obligations for each of the parties. |
A proposal from the consultancy practice to the client should include typical contents as below: | |
Context | Background information, assumptions, scope and limits – relevant facts, e.g. organisation’s current situation, client’s objectives, why work needs to be done, assumptions and their impact, and scope and limits of assignment; ensuring the client understands the need to share all relevant and significant information.
Constraints and risks – as known and identified; risks monitored during Execution phase.
Stakeholders – Specified in this section. |
Services & deliverables | Description of services, outcomes, and deliverables or outputs. Specific, measurable and achievable, relevant and time-bound objectives so results can be evaluated. |
Approach & work plan | Work plan for operational planning of the services including, as appropriate,: – objectives, scope; – change management; – contents; – documentation; – data, information and technological resources; – organization; – consultancy practice’s human resources and their responsibilities; – client’s human resources and their responsibilities; – timetable; – project management methods (including acceptance stages, notification of delays, decision process, stages for assignment delivery, methodology, etc.); – communications (including channels, methods, etc.); – escalation procedures (in case of deviations from the agreement); – quality programme; – deliverables or outputs. |
Roles and responsibilities | Roles, responsibilities & resources specified (incl. client personnel, data & documentation).
Assignment monitoring and control – decision-making, direction and control processes, including designation of project ‘sponsor’ or project ‘leader’ for project governance role; processes consistent with client’s corporate governance.
Evaluation of the assignment – how evaluation is carried out, e.g. measurable milestones, how objectives are evaluated and to whom interim and final evaluation results reported. |
Terms and conditions | Commercial terms – terms and conditions, fees & charges, payment schedule, expenses, etc.
Contracting standard terms and conditions – pertinent to relevant legal and regulatory requirements, and statutory obligations, e.g. ownership of material and outputs, user rights, licensing, intellectual property rights, liability limits, etc.; may refer to applicable professional standard, and to governing law for cross border and international services.
Policies – requirements, responsibilities and activities relating to policies applicable such as the regulatory framework, communication, ethics, corporate social responsibility, capability, quality, guarantees, health and safety, and any other agreed item. |