Membership of IMCA enhances your skills and career opportunities through access to an internationally recognised accreditation, extensive knowledge resources, networking opportunities and professional standards.
Whether embarking on a consulting career, an experienced practitioner or employed by a consulting practice, membership will assist you throughout your working life and career development.
Benefits for an individual:
- Access to business development opportunities through collaboration on public sector framework contracts and generally.
- Upgrading your business development capability through the global CMC accreditation and Code of Conduct, and leveraging of social media opportunities.
- Access to CPD and networking / social events organised by the Institute.
- Profiling your capabilities on the IMCA website and in the IPA Annual Diary.
A comprehensive benefits package is available to members covering items such as professional indemnity insurance, car, home and office insurance, mobile phone packages, health insurance, office supplies, training and online support, and various publications.
Benefits for an Accredited Consulting Practice:
- Enhancement of your practice’s attractiveness to top quality consultants by providing CMC accreditation linked to career progression.
- Attracting the best quality graduates into the profession by actively promoting consultancy as a career.
- Allowing consultants join the Young Members Group with access to networking opportunities and initiatives / events to enhance career progression.
- Being part of a forum for collaboration between practices to influence the direction and perception of the profession in Ireland.
The IMCA represents the sector’s interests by promoting members’ capability and accreditations to the Office of Government Procurement, Enterprise Ireland and other organisations which influence how consultancy services are purchased.