‘The Future of Work’
February 6, 2019 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
‘The Future of Work’
This CPD event will mark the launch of the IMCA accreditation of MSc programmes taught by Cork University Business School (CUBS). It will focus on the ‘Future of Work’ and provide members and their guests with an overview on the trends impacting labour markets and discuss the possible implications for the Management Consulting profession.
Time & Date: 6.30pm – 7.30pm on Wednesday 6th February, 2019
Registration and reception from 6.00pm
Venue: Boole Lecture Theatre 1, UCC Campus, College Road, Cork
Cost: Free of charge
A number of factors are converging to generate major disruptions to labour markets locally and internationally. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is interacting with other socio-economic and demographic factors requiring business model changes across industries. The implications are that new categories of jobs will emerge, partly or wholly displacing others. Whether in old or newer occupations, skill sets required are likely to change in most industries and professions, transforming both how and where people work. It may well also affect female and male workers differently and alter the dynamics of industry gender gaps.
Speaker: Eleanor Doyle PhD, Professor of Economics, CUBS.
In her presentation, Prof Doyle will outline the underlying disruptive trends with a focus on differing industry and geographical impacts, taking into account predicted time horizons for their impacts to be felt on job functions, employment levels and skills.
Panelists: The presentation will be followed by a Panel session during which the potential implications for the Management Consulting profession will be discussed. The session will be moderated by IMCA Board member Frank Hannigan, Partner, Strategy Crowd, will include UCC graduate Panelists:
- Kieran O’Dwyer Director at PwC Consulting and
- Maciek Beczek Digital Account Strategist, Google
This promises to be a very informative and worthwhile evening. The event is kindly hosted by CUBS and there is no charge to IMCA members and their guests for attending. If you wish to attend please register by email to admin@imca.ie – when registering, please include your own name and that of your guests, and your practice’s name.
Best wishes,
The Institute of Management Consultants and Advisers
Fill the form below if you want to register for this event now and pay later.