Free access to 2 hour GDPR seminar for IMCA Members

The Institute of Management Consultants and Advisers and the Law Society Finuas Skillnet (a network promoted by the Law Society of Ireland) are in negotiations to develop a collaborative alliance.  It is hoped that this initiative will deliver a suite of CPD and training seminars on topical developments in business law and other issues impacting on the continued efficiency of our respective members.  As key stakeholders in the training of our members, both the IMCA and the Law Society Finuas Skillnet aim to deliver relevant learning and development initiatives to assist members and their firms in retaining competitiveness and business sustainability in an ever-changing economic environment.

Discussions are at an advanced stage and we will provide you with update in due course.   In the meantime, given the relevance and topical nature of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), our friends in the Law Society Finuas Skillnet are kindly providing IMCA members with free access to a 2 hour online course titled  ‘GDPR – An Introduction’.  The course was developed in collaboration with the Intellectual Property and Data Protection Law Committee of the Law Society of Ireland, its content is generic and just as relevant for consulting firms as it is for legal practices Click here to access the course  This course will remain accessible by IMCA members until 31st December, 2018.

We would encourage you to take up on this kind and timely offer from the Law Society Finuas Skillnet. We look forward to updating you on further initiatives soon.


The Institute of Management Consultants and Advisers